
You: may i ask you a very personal question?
Stranger: yeah sure.
You: what color are your socks?
Stranger: oh dear, thats abit more personal than i expected, :/ well there rainbow. may i ask you a personal question?
You: sure
Stranger: are you wearing shoes?

Stranger: what havent we talked about yet?
You: movies... sharks, aliens...
Stranger: how about a movie with a shark and an alien in it.
You: it would be awesome
Stranger: yeah, what would the story line be to have them both in though
You: good question...
You: maybe if the shark is like... swimming around and then sees a spaceship
Stranger: aha, maybe the aliens abduct the shark for some testing and probing.
You: yes
You: and then the aliens could... morph into sharks and go and attack the humans!
Stranger: well id go see that film. sounds very eventful
You: me too

Jag pratade med en tjej i typ... tre timmar på omegle igår/inatt/idag. Helt random. Vi pratade om ingenting i tre timmar, vilket känns ganska sjukt. Eller jo, vi pratade om bibliotek, böcker, filmer, musik, japaner, dinosaurier, hajar, aliens, filmer, serier, skola, färger... och i början stod hon tydligen på min gård och blev kompis med våran björn (som vi ska äta upp på lördag)... öh. Jag kastade en kaka på henne gjord av min systers blod...

You: my sister is still online, wow
Stranger: lol, the one we ate before
You: no, the other one
Stranger: oh right lol

Nu ska jag till biblioteket. Återkommer vid tjugofem över tre eller så.

Postat av: D

Hahaha XD

2009-10-20 @ 10:25:16

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